Sunday, November 8, 2009

The calm after the storm

It is the calm after the storm. I feel a rainbow where there once were clouds, and while my Spirit dances in gratitude, my mind speculates on the next disaster.

I almost forgot how to post! The past few months have forever changed me and my family. I am still looking for the silver lining and will probably forever be chasing it. We are happy and healthy. We love our new home (and the fact that we sold our old one), it is so much fun to be out of town and in our own part of the world. Thank you for all your prayers. One of the biggest things I have learned about myself is that I "like" being a mom, and I am good at it. Work is no longer my identity. The bad thing I have learned (one of them) is that we as moms and women feel like we have to explain ourselves when we decide that mothering is probably the best thing we should be doing. I love my babies and I missed lots, now I am here because I choose to be- there I said it!!
I will be glad today for the clouds or the rainbows. Both are meant for my good. And without both, neither has meaning.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Aunt Geni's wheelchair

Nick decided that it would be a good idea to ride Aunt Geni's wheelchair down her ramp. Needless to say he flipped face first down the ramp. When the kids called me to tell me that Nick was bleeding I assumed it was a motorcycle crash, as he had been riding his PW 50 all day. Oh no he took the helmet off to ride the wheelchair down the ramp. We love you Nicholas!!!

playing in the"yard"

This is our "girly girl" Nettie Lynne, she had been playing in the mud at our new house. It took forever to wash her off, she loves the mud and being outside. She does have a pretty flower in her hair-that makes her a princess doesn't it? We can't forget NICK, enough said.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I ran the Sawtooth Relay this past weekend, 64 miles from Stanley to Ketchum! There were 6 girls on my team; Me, Adrienne Alvey, Cristy Christen, Rebecca Durrant, Courtney Dursteler, Pat Bowles. We started at 2:30 am and finished at about 2pm, under 12 hours!!! It was so much fun, I think I'll do it again........someday.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I love Connor

This post is all about Connor. He is our second child and is a very responsible, smart and enjoyable boy. Connor loves a good party, loves his friends, loves to play games, loves the ipod, and his nintendo ds. Connor just turned 10 and is finishing the 4th grade. Connor loves to look good and is a social butterfly. WE LOVE YOU CONNOR!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our new house

We are building a house just north of Maurice and Bonnie's place. We are so excited to be out on the farm, dirt and all. The first picture is of my first dishwasher, the front of the house, my blue master bathroom, the baby poop colored music room, my kitchen with my "wood floor tile" jeff did an awesome job and the front entry. YEAH!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

This day started off like any other, that is until Nick got a wasp stuck between his "piggies". It was no ordinary wasp but a dad wasp. Notice the head wound, that is a treadmill skid mark from the "shoot nick off the end of the treadmill game" that did not turn out so well. At this same time Nick is in time out for"apparently" peeing on the neighbor boys head. My question is was it a shooting contest gone awry or did the boy simply stand there and let him pee on his head? The world will never know, but alas pee is sterile. Nettie wandered off twice today and was found once in the neighbors dog pen because "I just love that puppy" and once across the street at the 4-plex but "not in the road". The last is a photo of my youngest "kate" who got shots today and had to be held down at the vet. I want all the mom's out there to know that Jeff made the appointment for kate's immunizations but has never made any kind of appointment for his human children. This day too shall pass, and children do sleep.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The maiden voyage

Ok, so you can make fun of me now for starting a blog because I said that I would never have time to blog. I am moving into the twentieth century and becoming computer literate. My children cannot be smarter than me until they are 20.